Nonlinear Wave Equations
2-6 September, 2013
Instituto Superior Técnico
Lisboa, Portugal
Nonlinear Wave Equations
2-6 September, 2013
Instituto Superior Técnico
Lisboa, Portugal
This workshop will bring together experts which have in common the study of the propagation of nonlinear waves in various active fields of research: fluid dynamics, Schrödinger and wave equations, kinetic equations and general relativity. An enormous international activity is devoted to the description of waves in connection with non trivial nonlinear phenomena: anomalous scattering in water wave dynamics, stability of non trivial structures like vortex filaments or solitary waves, propagation of waves on curved background in relativity, singularity formation and energy concentration in parabolic and dispersive models, etc. The conference will aim at presenting some recent developments in these domains which are in particular at the heart of the ANR SWAP and the ERC senior project BLOWDISOL that partially support the conference. The aim will be in particular to stimulate discussions between experts and build bridges between their works.